Sunday, June 3, 2007

06/03/2007 - NJH Striper-a-thon turned Fluking!

06/03/2007 - NJH Striper-a-thon turned Fluking!

OK, so it's time for the NJH Striper-a-thon #2 trip report...although, for our team...we decided to abandon stripers entirely and go for fluke instead! Turned out to be a pretty wise decision too!

Unfortunately, Tom couldn't get his boat in the water due to scheduling issues with his marina. To be honest, I'm really beginning to suspect Tom doesn't have boat at all, despite his son Hunter's adamant rebuttal to my suspicions! Haha, it's OK, sooner or later, our team will set foot on the Daly Double for yet another crazy adventure!

OK, lets move on to our current fishing trip, shall we?

We planned on heading out on Wayne's boat again, but first we all agree to meet up at IHOP at 5:30AM, our standard pre-fishing extravaganza breakfast joint, for some much needed body fuel. Wait a minute, let's step back for just a second. I did say we all AGREED to meet up for breakfast, but I can't leave out the part where Tom totally overslept, didn't answer the 300 phone calls we made trying to get in touch with him...and missed the entire breakfast! Now, Tom was honest...he told us the liquor crept up on him as he was on a disciplined regimen of diet soda and water...when *somehow*, some liquid gold got mixed in here and there...and before he knew it, he was catering to karaoke block party requests until 3:00AM "and change"! Did I mentioned we agreed to meet up for breakfast at 5:30AM? Hahaha poor Tom, man we're just glad you were OK dude! Definitely not like you to show up...but hell, everyone needs a 2 hour power nap after Block Party Karaoke Night!

So anyway, we're at IHOP...wondering where Tom could be. We know it's gonna be a long, hard day, so everyone orders up and eats while awaiting Tom's phone call. I'm feeling a little ill (sore throat), but I'm grinding it out, can't let the boys down...I ditch on breakfast though with just a side of rye toast. No Tom.

We have to meet Wayne at the boat at 6:30AM for a 6:45-7:00AM departure. It's about 6:25AM, and no word from Tom we head over to the bait shop to load up. We arrive there, and start picking through the bait and various tackle...then Doug's phone guessed's the man, the myth, the legend...Tom Daly...who just woke up 3 minutes earlier! WHOOPS! Ah no problem, we get all the necessary gear and tell Tom to meet us at the boat. Off we go to meet up with Wayne!

We start packing on gear and prepping rods...all ready to roll.
Here's Jason, Wayne, and Doug's Dad...hangin...

And Doug...Seaguarin it up!

Then the man arrives....TOM, with his son Hunter!

Tom...pointing to ask if he's still allowed on the was a split decision, but Tom was allowed back on the team.
Hunter really was the deciding factor...I mean, c'mon, with a name like that...that kid is on board anytime!!!

Oh Tom...the shame, the embarrassment, how can we ever depend on you again buddy?!?!
See, he can't even look the camera in the eye...just hanging his head low...poor guy.
OK, he was really just opening a bottle of water...whatever!

Doug all smiles...he knows the torture he is about to put us all through, I swear!

Doug's Dad, laughing inside...saying "I warned you guys about my all just won't listen, and you keep on inviting him out fishing"

Jason's ready, he didn't believe a word of our Doug "catches all the fish" banter

OK and we're off...heading out the inlet...

Wayne...taking us out to the flukin grounds!

Jason, seriously isn't believing a word of our claims regarding Doug...
Doug's Dad knows what's up...

Sooo...maybe this is Doug's this a little departing inlet prayer to the fishing gods?

I have a nice shot lined up of the wake and Doug's Dad...then Squatch throws his arm right across my camera...good job there buddy! Haha

Ahh ok, that's a little better now...

Yeah she was pretty calm in the morning...

Here's Hunter...wasting no time hooking up!

This kid is a total pro! He was swindling me in the morning trying to get me to bet him a box of cookies on the first keeper fluke, I honestly didn't want to take the kid's cookies, so I declined...but it turns out I was being set up by a hustler!!! I definitely gotta hook that kid up with a box of Oreos!

Hunter says, "This is how you do it boys!"

Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all...although Hunter's is bigger!

Doug's Dad fighting a fish, Doug's big head blocking the picture...arm...head...all up in the frame...what's up man?!?!

There ya go, Doug's Dad puttin the hook to one! Has to be where Doug gets it from!

And in the net...

Then Tom apparently substituting fluking with some good ol' eye candy...hrmmmm wonder what he was looking at? Sandy Hook...nude beaches...hrmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yeah suuuuuuuuuure you were looking for the other NJHers over on the party boat...uh huh! BUSTED!!!

Yeah get used to this picture...if I had a calculator I might have been able to keep up with Doug's catch on the day.
For the rest of us...combined...I can just use my fingers for the most part!

Cruising...we're trying to quiz Doug and find out his secret juju...he ain't spillin the beans!

I can probably think of a few captions for this one...either way, they all end in Tom being one crazy mofo!

Jason, you believing us about Doug yet buddy?

Doug's Dad...he knows.

Again...note how totally bored Doug he's upset he actually had to take the rod out of the rod holder...and YES, he was beating them on the dead stick...absolutely silly!

Look, he just laughs at sympathy at all from this guy...he's demoted to cutting bait until the next event!

This was really the only fish Doug caught all day...everything else I have pictures of is from us handing him pre-hooked fish because we felt bad for him...

Partial shot of the day's catch...and yes that beast in the front is one of Doug's.

Oh wait, there was another bucket of fish...Doug's Dad took the honors of taking the pic!

Here's Doug with the big one of the day...nice fish buddy!
P.S. You suck.
Me in the background...filleting like a mofo.

Overall, what a great day on the water! The forecast scared some people, but it turned out to be a beautiful morning with the main bite coming between 9:00-11:00AM. Furious action then, but it died off quickly. Unfortunately for me, my new Shimano Calcutta 400BSV crapped out after landing one short and totally screwing up on a nice fish when the drag wouldn't engage at all...right during the prime bite. Locked down, it just came out with mild pressure. I was POed!!! Fortunately, there were a few spare setups on board, so I had another outfit to fish with. First time I didn't bring a backup...figured, new setup...should be smooth as butter. Yeah right! Lesson learned!

The crew was awesome, and thanks again to Wayne for taking us out.

Hunter was a tough little kid, he hooked that one keeper and then crashed for the rest of the day, but never complained once about wanting to go back in or anything. He just napped and hung tough until it was time to go in! Good job buddy, next time you and Dad will get a good night's rest, and *maybe* Dad will get you to IHOP on time for breakfast even! Don't get your hopes up though little saw what happened today! Haha, Hi Tom!

As always, great fishing with Tom. He took the ball busting well, although...from our's expected! One thing is for sure...I'm not going to be late to any fishing adventures after all the smack I talked today! Haha. Thanks again for making the plans with Wayne on such short notice. Hopefully your boat will be in the water soon and we can get out and hit up some more fluke!

Doug, as usual, put on a clinic...while the rest of us tried to figure out what was so different about his setup and technique. I must admit the dead sticking rod in the holder technique is immensely complex...I might need a few nights to absorb all that is involved there...OK seriously...we may need to institute either a handicap or a 3 hour delay in Doug's fishing time so we all can keep up. Good job again dude.

Art (Doug's Dad), was great fishing with you again! Always good to have you out with us, although it always seems like the same and I are struggling while Doug beats on the fish! I think we need to extract some competitive info out of Doug...I have an idea and it involves an Exacto knife (inside joke!)

First time fishing with Jason, great guy...we BSed up front...although my sore throat was killing me (sorry I wasn't more talkative). He had a good number of fish, tons of robins all around the boat for everyone. I also think he now understands the insanity we have become so accustomed to...otherwise known as "fishing with Doug". Crazy isn't it? I told you...puddle in the IHOP parking lot...Doug will catch them there. Hehe, we'll get out again and show Doug how it's done!

Anyway, that's all there is folks. Just another great day on the held out for the most part but did get a little snotty towards the end. We hit the dock around 3:30PM or so, filleted up some fluke, and packed em up so everyone took some home!

Total fish counts...who knows on the shorts, but keeper fluke wise...I'm pretty sure I had 2, Tom had 2, Hunter had 1, Wayne had 1, Jason had 3, Doug's Dad had 3, and Doug of course...had his limit of 8. I couldn't even tell you how many sea robins we had...entirely too many. There were also a few blues mixed in there.

Until next time...

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