Thursday, January 31, 2008

01/31/2008 - Predator Hunting, My First Fox!

01/31/2008 - Predator Hunting, My First Fox!

Alright, I was finally able to score on my first fox ever last night hunting with my buddy Bill during NJ's Coyote and Fox Special Permit Season!

Our night started off more like an Abbot and Costello act with all the issues we ran into. Bill and I each drove about 45 minutes to the area we planned on hunting to find that Bill forgot his FoxPro caller at home! Ack! It's already 11:00PM, and I suggest we go without it and use hand calls instead, but Bill insists on going back. So, I decide to head to a different spot down the road a ways and give it a try on a solo hunt with just my hand calls.

Well, I park, get my gear and gun packed up and head on in for a 10-15 minute walk on the property. I arrive at the spot, get settled in and flick on my Lightforce 170 to find...well it's not working. I spend a few minutes toggling switches, checking fuses, disconnecting and reconnecting all the points to no avail. Then I check the one adapter and find the dual wire harness broke clean off from inside the adapter. UGH!

So Bill is in transit and we're without the Lightforce 170! Well, we contemplate calling it a night, but Bill won't have any of that either and brings along some of his other lights...less range but will work just fine. I backout, and head back to the spot Bill and I met up at earlier and begin to disassemble the adapter to see what went wrong with my light and also to see if I can patch it for the rest of the night's hunts.

I wind up getting it apart, and to make a long story short, I needed a soldering iron to resolder the contacts. I tried to hack it with a lighter, but was wasting my time...just can't get hot enough to melt the solder and reform the contacts.

Alright, we ultimately concede and settle in on Bill's lights. We head off to another set with the FoxPro and are ready to call in some predators! We hoof it in a little ways to a nice field, wind is a little shifty but should be OK.

We set the FoxPro about 40 yards crosswind and behind us as we watch the field edge cover in front of us, which is where we expect the fox or yotes to come from. We start off with some mouse squeak hand calls but receive no response. We then fire up the FoxPro with some screaming rabbit calls, and again no response. We then progress to a Grey Fox Distress call and about 2 minutes later, a nice red pops out of the woods 35 yards to my front left.

I get the light on him, flip the safety off, settle in and squeeze the trigger. He goes down and is kicking, we figure he's dead, but in retrospect...should have shot one more time to put him down for good. As it turned out, we had to perform a little tracking and finish the job, but it all worked out OK in the end...except for the point blank shooting which hurt the front of the coat (face/legs)...this is where a .22 would have come in beautifully...dispatch shot to the head, game over...instead, a 3.5" Dead Coyote load at a few feet...not pretty.

It was a great hunt, and both Bill and I were stoked to finally score! One down and many more to go!

Here's a few pics of Bill and I with the fox, nice moon background too! ;)

Equipment Used:
Shotgun: Benelli Super Black Eagle II
Shell: 3.5" Dead Coyote #T
Choke: Ported Rhino .660 2" Extended
Call: Knight and Hale Mouse Squeaker, FoxPro FX5

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

01/21/2008 - Blackfishing on MIMI VI (Pics)

01/21/2008 - Blackfishing on MIMI VI (Pics)

A group of friends from NewJerseyHunter decided to get together and head out on a toggin trip with the Mimi VI out of Point Pleasant.
As it turned out, the weather was BRUTAL cold with only our group of 11 plus one other guy showing up to go.

Here's the allstar crew:
Craig aka Scrubby now known as Scrubby Crocker
Charlie aka catfish hunter known as Captain 150 of the Smallest Whiteleggers on the Planet That Smell Like Dead Mackerel
Steve aka stevejar, previously known as Captain Socks but now as Captain Roller Skates
Tom aka telefante now known as Captain Silent But Deadly or Captain Knocks Out The Entire Starboard Side with a Single Squeak
Tom aka lefteye now known as Captain Tries to Lift Up The Wreck When Snagged
Schell (sp?) aka jerseyhunter now known as Captain Sorry, I Thought Your Thermos Was a Piling!
Bill aka REEL ER IN
Glenn aka Cat
John aka jrhunt
Vic aka jrhunt's friend
Your's truly

Craig, temporarily Captain Grouchy, and Bill arrived at the dock around 1:00AM...OK it was more like 4:00AM...I guess their alarm didn't go off and they overslept. Fortunately the boat doesn't leave until 6:30AM!
I arrived shortly afterwards, with the rest of the crew not far behind.

Captain Roller Skates was nice enough to bring a camper van that was all rigged up with a kitchen, refrigerator, the whole nine!
Scrubby Crocker took over the kitchen with Captain Silent But Deadly offering a helping hand.
Hats off to Tom for bring along those kick ass venison sausage patties, and especially those ones with the sharp provolone inside! They were GOOD!
Scrubby tore up the stovetop, hooking everyone up with some great breakfast sandwiches.
And for being such a great guy, Schell decided to knock over Scrubby's thermos, shattering the inside when it hit the ground. Apparently he thought it was part of the piling LOL! That really turned the Grouch on in Scrubby! :)

Alright, enough craziness...let's get on the water!

We headed out of Point around 6:30AM and headed for some toggin spots to the south. Throughout the day we hit a bunch of spots, but the fish just weren't cooperating at any of them. Kenny worked his butt off trying to find the meat, and Chris was running anchor drills like a champ in freezing temps. We were on great bottom throughout the day, but the bite just never got hot. We picked at a few fish throughout the day at each of the spots, but just couldn't get them chewing hard. We fished shallow, we fished deep, we adjusted all over the sections of each spot we dropped the hooks at...we had greens, we had whiteleggers, we had shrimp...but those elusive tog just wouldn't get on the feedbag! Ah, what can ya do, we did everything we could but it just turned out to be a poor fishing day...that's why they call it fishing and not catching! ;)

The trip was still a great one with a ball busting crew. I'm sure the one other patron thought we were all maniacs! Non-stop laughs throughout the day, as always and just a great time with great friends!

Big thanks to Kenny and Chris for having us out and working so hard to make it happen, we'll catch em up next time! ;)

Extra thanks to Chris for finally washing out Charlies cooler...possibly the first time seriously!!! Hahaha

Main lesson learned was when Tom (telefante) starts giggling like a schoolgirl behind and upwind of you...RUN!!! Run for the hills or save yourself the trouble and just jump in the ocean...FEAR IS COMING! No more provolone, venison sausage patties for you in the morning! I swear those bibs had a hole through them after that one! Hilarious watching the chain reaction go down the starboard side in short order.

Lefteye Tom, one of these days, seriously you may very well pull the plug on the ocean bottom...but rest assured you won't break nearly as many rods as Charlie does! LOL

Alright, so anyway, we'll be keeping an eye on the reports and try to get back out again...hopefully it was just an off day and the tog are still around chewing somewhere in the NJ waters! I'll probably head out this upcoming weekend for a trip if the weather looks favorable. Also, word on the dock is Scrubby booked a fluke trip for August with the Mimi of only two weekend dates that were still available for the Mimi all summer! That'll be a good one, can't wait!

Here's a few pics from the trip...

Captain Roller Skates arriving on the scene!

Pimp My Ride hooked Steve up with this sweet ride! Man, talk about a camping/fishing/hunting rig...NICE!

Captain Grouchy with his half-arsed two handed hello...BS, you're fired!

Bill, freezing at 4:30AM, but ready for some toggin! :)

Schell, arriving and looking for a thermos to knock over! Haha, sorry I can't resist!

Look Ma, I can cook without looking! Pablo would be proud!

Tom, hookin it up with the venison sausage patties! Awwwwww yeah!

Lookin gooooooooooooooooooooood!

Chris, thinkin we're all nuts.

Tom, enjoyin the fruits of his labor!

Cat has arrived and is ready to hit up the tog!

The man, Charlie, finally arrives with mackerel infused whiteleggers! Haha

There he is, good ol' lefteye Tom!

Vic and John enjoying the warming cabin!

Groucho, wishing he had his coffee

Charlie, stuffing his face! Haha

Tom, all smiles!

A nice little sunrise in freezing temps!

Captain Roller Skates...camo jacket, orange bibs, and hot pink roller skates!

Craig and Tom, ready for some action

Charlie, biting off my Kojak pops!

Tom with a tog

Craig, after about 75 swings, finally hooked into this tog! Haha

Steve with a nice keeper

John, handling a nice fight...Chris is ready by his side!

Conger eel...ugly!

Tom with another tog

And Steve with another keeper

Then lefteye Tom hooked into a MONSTER!!! GET THE GAFF!!!

Apparently his BIG brother didn't want to miss out on the action, so he jumped on Tom's hook too!

Nice size Tom!!! Hehe

Little while later we headed in and I took a few pics before I took my own little nap!
Schell, snoozing...probably dreaming about grabbing onto pilings!

John's out like a light!

Tom, after those two long battles with GIANT bergals...much deserved and needed rest! Hehe

Cat, the only one to wake up after the flash went off! :)

Alright, nearing the inlet...nice little sunset shot.

Sure was cold out there and on the way in!


That's all for now...until next time!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Permit Shotgun, Some January Doe Management! (Pics)

Permit Shotgun, Some January Doe Management!

Well Doug and I have been working on one of the properties we hunt to cut down the doe population.
It's pretty overwhelming how many mature does are on there, and some pretty big ones too for South NJ!
We've managed to take 6 off there so far, and are still going...but the season is nearing an end.
Next year, now that we have a better grasp on the deer numbers there, we'll be starting much earlier with the bows!

Here's a few pics of some of our latest does...

Doug with a nice doe from back on 01/12/2008:

I got my first deer with my SBE2 this morning, 01/19/2008.
Remington 3.5" 00 buckshot through a .660 Rhino choke at 25 yards.

And this evening, I made my longest shot ever at this doe (freehand while sitting in my treestand).
I haven't gotten an exact range but it's somewhere between 150 and 170 yards.
That H&R sure is a tack driver!
Sorry about the pic, that W80 sucks in low light! Should have used my H1!

Friday, January 18, 2008

01/18/2008 - Gutpile Predator Trailcam Pics

January 2008 - Gutpile Predator Trailcam Pics

Hey, where you goin?

Turkey buzzards flying in!

Looks good!

Tastes good!

C'mon photo opp!

Uh oh, daddy hawk is in town!

Lots of him...


King of the Pile!

Standin guard!

They didn't waste any time getting in there once he left!

Party time! Damn those things are ugly!

What's up Francis?

The crows are pretty low on the gut pile food chain!

Sneaky, sneaky!

He won't come in...

OK, if he won't come in...I will! :)

Early morning snack...

Tear it up dude!

Then his girlfriend showed up!

Gettin Stringy With It!

The couple, back in action.


Look who's back! Same pose, different day!

C'mon, you know you want some!

You can't stand there all night buddy!

That's it! Drive by!

Puffier tail?

Than this one?

Down, Set, Hut Hut, Hike!

Last one! ;)

That's yotes, maybe 2 foxes...and tons of pics of that redtail and his bride! :D