Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11/27/2007 - Dad and I, Double Header Muzzleloader Hunt!

Well Dad and I have been out for the last two days for the NJ muzzleloader opener with limited success in respect to sightings.  It's been pretty slow overall, and the rain yesterday put a little bit of a damper on the morning hunt.  Today was a beautiful day, but very warm and windy.  As it turned out, the deer movement was virtually non-existant in our neck of the woods all day long.

I started my hunt perched in a dynamite spot before sunrise.  Just at daybreak I heard from rustling behind my stand and spotted a deer, nose to the ground, about 45 yards out.  I couldn't quite make it out in the lowlight, so I scoped it but it was already in the brush...and soon after caught my entrance prints and skirted off but didn't snort.  And that was it for the entire morning until I got down around 11:30AM to do some light pushes on the perimeter of the property for my dad.  He had been sitting since mid morning and hadn't seen anything.

I circled around and basically checked the property line and postings to ensure no one had ripped them down, and figured at the same time maybe I'd kick something to Dad.  Well, that didn't work out too well.  I kicked up quite a few deer as I circled around the farm, but nothing ran or meandered past his stand as a result of my walk/drive.

It was about 3:45PM by the time I finished, and I was pretty sweated up.  By the time I got back to my truck on the other side of the property it was about 4:00PM and I figured, what the hell, I sprayed down real quick and packed light and headed into the same stand I sat in the morning.  I got situated around 4:20PM, and not two minutes later had a small doe come in from my behind left, followed shortly afterwards by a bigger doe.  They were a little antsy as they were at the brink of being dead downwind of my sweaty but sprayed down self (with sinking evening thermals)!  Fortunately they didn't bust...the little one came out in front of the stand, and seconds later a young 8 pointer emerged as the doe from earlier bounded off...unsure if it was the eight or me, but it didn't matter...I was glad to not have her snort and not have a deer downwind of me any longer!

The 8 and small doe fed for a bit, as other deer started to work their way through the woods.  Soon I had a 3 pointer, a spike, and that 8 in front of the stand when suddenly a new deer approached and they went on alert.  Out steps a complete genetic nitemare of a buck, but a mature and dominant one I've seen before on the property and one that was on the management list.  I've personally seen this high 5 pointer challenge every single buck he's come in contact with and tonight was no different as he immediately stalked the 3 other bucks and pushed them out of the area only to return to the two does feeding out front.  Meanwhile the 3 pointer and the 8 pointer were fighting, more than sparring tonight...unlike a few days ago when I watched them tickle tines for awhile.  I decided to take the 5 pointer and made a good 25 yard quartering away shot putting him down in about 80-90 yards or so.  Just a few minutes later I hear a shot in the distance, not realizing it was my Dad who had taken a young doe at last light.

Well, here's some pics!

Shot of Dad and I...

The 5 pointer I shot.

Fresh puncture wound and fighting scars...wonder who actually challenged him back, hadn't seen a buck do it.
That young 8 backed down ASAP at the sight of the 5 pointer, as did several other younger bucks.
He definitely had far more body size and age than any of the other bucks.

That's all folks, until next time...shotgun season!

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