Late report, didn't have computer access last night!
Charlie, Scrub and I hit up Raritan Bay for a day of fluking in insane heat. Someone else was on the list of fisherman that day but word is he was partying like a rockstar and subsequent window taps in the early morning wouldn't wake him out of hibernation! :)
Scrub getting ready and already sweating!

Charlie, getting some sun...kinda looks like Powder with Ink! Haha
I totally missed the AFTER shot! He's gotta be hurtin after what it looked like in the PM!

Ohhhh it's gonna be a smoker!

Off to the races by 5:45AM or so...first drop was all we moved a little deeper and it was slow...real slow. Not much life on long drifts to feel out the area, so we hopped around but struggled to find a good bite. Shorts coming over the rail here and there but no quality, so we continued to cruise around in search mode.
Hit up a nice area and landed a nice sea bass, but not much else doing there, so we kept on searching.
Tough and crappy self pic attempt! LOL

All morning was slow with very few bites despite dropping in "The Fleet". Not sure how they did, but it was STACKED with boats there. We fished it for a bit but not much doing so we moved off.

Eventually we located a good bite and started hitting up some keepers and put a decent catch together.
Here's a shot of our final catch on a tough day with 10 keeper fluke and a keeper seabass.

Well that's all folks, until next time!
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