Wow, what a day! I hit the Musky for an afternoon of trout fishing today and was already having a spectacular one releasing about 30 trout, a mixture of rainbows and brookies ranging from fingerling size to 14"...that was until I landed a beautiful breeder rainbow. The fish was caught on 4# test mono, size 12 Gamikatsu baitholder, two BB split shots and an earthworm. The fight lasted about 10-15 minutes, I knew I wanted to attempt a release so I put max tension on it to get it to the net quickly but couldn't move it for half the time in the current. Eventually I was able to coax it enough while I moved downstream to get parallel with it and successfully net it.
I didn't have a tape or scale on me, I took a rough measurement with my rod (using a split shot on the line to mark the end) and measured it at home at exactly 24". It was a nice, fat rainbow...I figure she had to go at least 5-6#. Either way, a great catch, I was pumped! Glad another fisherman swung by when he saw me fighting the fish as he was able to snap a few pics before the revival session.
That's when the interesting aspect of this fish story began. I was borderline on keeping the fish concerned it wouldn't survive and I told myself, I'll put the time in and if I can revive it...I'll let it go...otherwise I'll keep it and mount it. Well I spent over an hour with that fish...for the first 10 minutes it was breathing but couldn't keep itself upright. Then it finally regained itself enough to stay upright in a little bit of nearby current. I sat and watched it for 45 minutes as it slowly regained it's strength and began to swim in place. Finally after about an hour and 10 minutes, it began to swim side by side and swam off into the deep pool across the current. I watched the area for awhile to make sure it didn't come up again, but I'm pretty confident it'll be OK. My hope and intention was that hopefully some kid can hook into that monster and have a lifetime memory...I have mine, and I took it away with me in the form of a picture! ;)
So here's some pics from a really fun day, along with some videos of the fish during the revival.
First let's start with the bait!
Mostly an earthworm day!
But we had mealies too!
And corn!
And a few fish were caught...along with some scenic observation and relaxation! ;)
And for the nice breeder rainbow...
And the revival phase...
The 45 minute phase...where she could hover on her own.
And some videos of that 45 minute observation phase and the final swim off. Sorry I know they're hard to see...just video through a handheld point and shoot.
05/01/2011 - Trout Fishing: Rainbow 1
05/01/2011 - Trout Fishing: Rainbow 2
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