Sunday, July 22, 2012

07/22/2012 - Fluke Fishing on The Angler with Dad

07/22/2012 - Fluke Fishing on The Angler with Dad

We had originally planned to go fluking Friday with JR on OOAL, but the incoming weather forced JR to cancel.  Dad decided to come down anyway, so we hung out Saturday waiting for the weather to clear and opted to hit up The Angler out of Atlantic Highlands on Sunday to get at least one day of fluking in!

Fishing was slow overall due to the lack of drift, the water was just plain dirty (I blame NYC haha), and the fish were either spread out big time or just finicky in the areas we fished. It's OK, we pretty much expected it given the weather that just cleared out, but we had to give it a go!

Despite the tough bite, Dad and I managed to get a few for the cooler and have some fun in the process!

Here's a few pics from the day! ;)

Dad hangin in the morning, waiting to head on out!

Pretty good crowd as we're getting ready to leave...

Leaving the marina...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy...never a good sign!  Banana?!?!?!

It was a little crowded out there!

Ronnie, bucktailing it up, light tackle style!

And FISH ON!!!

A little more scenery as we moved to another spot for a drift...

End of the day, he's relaxing...and I'm not sure if that's a wave or what haha

And a final fish pic with two of our keepers!  We didn't have many, only 4 for the box, but I managed to land the one that counted...the pool fish!  Nice! :)

Well, it was definitely a great day on the water, beautiful out and always fun to get Dad down for a little fishing!
Hopefully conditions will be a little better next time, but at least he got to head home with some nice fillets! ;)

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