Wednesday, May 21, 2014

05/17/2014 & 05/18/2014 - Bass Fishing with Mike's Guide Service

Had a great time fishing with Mike's Guide Service and fishing with PowerTeam Lures this past weekend for my Dad's birthday!

Here's a few pics from the trip...

Day 1...gotta hit up a little breakfast at Marsha's Sugarhollow Diner on the way up!

Dad's ready for a little fishing!

We arrive at Mike's place, and given the massive flooding rain on Friday, opt to fish the lake on his property for largemouths!

You know there's been a lot of rain when the dock is underwater...

Dad with his first of many that day!

Yeah another...note the Ronnie smirk developing as he beats on the fish!

Oh look, another!

RonnieSenko strikes again!!!

Wacky worming!!!

Ah just another largemouth!

Still catching!

Wacky Ronnie and his wacky worm strike again!

Brokeback bassin...ouch!  I was tossing bigger baits with Mike trying to land a big girl when I landed this guy with a little bit of a curve to his backbone!  Ouch!

Meanwhile...RonnieSenko gets another!

Mike, despite wearing 7 sweatshirts amidst a cold front, is tossing topwater and enticing some strikes!  Get em!!!

Ronnie back on with another one!

Even some crappie...the weather might be crappie, but the fishing on the lake was lots of fun!

Nice shot of Dad and I, he's loving it!

We're seeing a pattern here...

Almost identical shot with a different fish and a different background!

OK Day 2, and we try to give the river a go by fishing on the of the local tributaries in hopes that the water will be a little clearer.  As you can see, we're slipping into a river raging with coffee colored water.  The river rose 11 FEET on Friday and into!

Mike and Dad, ready to rock!

Let's we come Susquecoffee River!

Couple more shots of the muddy mess!

Oh just slightly flooded...

Another cold and dreary weekend's mid May and morning temps were in the low 40s

Ronnie bundled up!

Multi-sweatshirt Mike is ready to tear it up and give some new lures a try!

Here's we're heading into the tributary...obvious break in water coloration!

Transition edge...

We're going THAT way!

Nice view down river!

The smallies liked the NEW PowerTeam Lures natural color!  Still trying to swim away with it on the boat!

OK he calmed down for a shot!

Dad's into the smallies too!

Then I landed this guy, apparently he found a tattoo artist...

Cool shot showing off his ink!

So I catch this stickfish, one of many resting on the bottom of this river after the storms and this little guy is attached to it.  I never saw a leech spread out wide like that to conform to the contour of a tree!

The underside...

Dad and I on the river with the a nice one he landed!

And dad with another nice one, the big one on the day!

I had to jump in a picture with him, nice fish Dad!

And a final exit photo, looking upstream on the tributary!  Next time I hope the weathermen predict awesome weather with no rain and warmer temps!  As always Mike put in a ton of effort and got us on the fish despite the incredibly adverse river conditions!

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