Saturday, June 23, 2007

06/23/2007 - Fluking the Captain Cal II

06/23/2007 - Fluking the Captain Cal II

Well short little report, since I hit up the Captain Cal II in Belmar again but went solo today.

I fished with a few familiar faces: Barry, young Hunter, and regular Carl to my right.  Also met Mark, good dude, he commutes from way out in PA but he seems to be there whenever I he's pretty regular on the weekends.

The conditions were very breezy out of the NW, wind against the tide for the most part and a real slow drift throughout the day.  Captain Ron rode us wayyyyyyyyyyy up North with a boat full of people (70+?).  He heard the bite was good up that way, and we wound up just south of Sandy Hook.   

Fishing overall was surprisingly slow, some shorts and keepers coming over the rail, but just one of those tough days where not much was doing...and we just couldn't locate a solid pod of fish.  We tried several different spots while heading southward and eventually hit a decent pile of fish with some keepers coming on board, but not a mad dog bite by any means...just spotty, here and there we'd pick up a few.  We pretty much fished from around 15-35 feet of water throughout the day.

For some strange reason, I had a good day today with high hook on the boat, bringing 6 keepers over the of which mate Danny literally caught in the net as it came off the hook!  Nice!  I was bucktailing all day, with Gulp, strip baits, and/or spearing working equally well at different times of the day.  Barry wound up with only one keeper (you know it's slow!), I believe Carl landed 2, Mark also landed 2, and young Hunter had a rough day and didn't land any.  Poolfish was modest, probably around 3-4# or so.

Beautiful day out there, hell any day on the ocean is beautiful and better than sitting at home or in the office! wink

I have to work in the morning tomorrow, so I'll be taking the day off from fishing and hitting up some golf with a few buddies around midday...should be fun!

Anyway, here's a few pics from the day...

Danny...flashin some cash on the way out...those boys make some good tips huh?  Yeah right, if tips were only that good!

Oh she's gonna be a busy one today!!!

Let us out!!!  Bridges going up...

Nice sunrise...

Where we started the day south of the Hook...

Oh my was it railed!  Decent pool though.

My end of day, 6 keepers...nothing big, just all 17-18.5"ish fish.

That's all she wrote folks, until next time...

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